
A Little Lunch From Some Farmer's Market Finds

I hadn't planned on blogging about my lunch for today because I had my eyes on the prize (tonight's attempt at fresh veggie burgers).  But isn't that always the way it is?  In fact, I like to think that fate had a huge hand in my midday meal.  You see, this morning I woke and was immediately flung into a mild state of panic; my laptop battery charger wasn't working.  Oh horrors among horrors, right?  So after a nice long trip to the gym, I showered and was on my way to the Sony store to figure out what the heck happened.

The problem was resolved quickly, something about a faulty charger, I was given a new one and was on my way home when it dawned on me what today is: Copley Farmer's Market Day!  (Apparently my staycation had robbed me of my sense of time and the ability to sniff out a Farmer's Market from miles away).  So I practically skipped over (okay, I didn't literally skip, but it was pretty darn close) to all of the white tents that had set up shop in Copley Square.  Bouncing from one tent to another, I hunted for gold (in this case, gold is super fresh and delicious produce grown by local farmers, in case you weren't following), and left triumphantly with a cute little bag of seasonal treasures in tow.

Back in my Small Boston Kitchen, I was examining my finds and thinking of how to incorporate all of them into a little yummy lunch (mind you, I still haven't been to the grocery store this week so supplies were limited).  So I did what I always do in this sort of situation, I took out a frozen naan bread (if Trader Joe's ever stops selling these I don't know what I'll do) and made a sort of makeshift pizza.  It was fresh, it was delicious, it was a perfect way to celebrate all that is in season.  I enjoyed my lunch so much that I felt that I needed to share.  Yum, yum, YUM!  I heart farmer's markets!

Now it's off to the grocery store for some supplies...I've got some homemade veggie burgers to create.  Surf on over tomorrow to see how they turn out!

Farmer's Market Lunch Pizza
- 1 frozen piece of naan bread (I love Trader Joe's)
- 1 handful of fresh farmer's market arugula
- 1 small farmer's market tomato
- 2 large button mushroom caps, thinly sliced
- A small handful of cheese of your choice (I used Gruyere here)
- Fresh chopped chives
- Fresh Ground Pepper
- Coarse sea salt

In a 400 degree oven, heat the naan bread until it is just toasted.  Top with the arugula, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese and pepper.  Heat until the cheese melts.  Remove from oven and let it cool for a couple of minutes.  Top with chives and sea salt.


Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

Yum, this pizza looks great! I haven't tried Trader Joe's frozen naan but I think I'll pick some up the next time I'm there!

Boston Food Diary said...

haha YAY Naan Pizza! I love seeing your theory in use! Looks delicious SBK!

Delicious Dishings said...

What a great lunch! The farmers' market is so good for inspiration!

The Small Boston Kitchen said...

Fun and Fearless, they are amazing!

BFD, Thanks! When all else fails, make it a pizza! (Hmm, bumper sticker in the making maybe?)

Megan, Couldn't agree more..I LOVE farmer's market season!

Marie Evans said...

I loooove Copley's farmers market!!! they have the best stuff- I sometimes get a bit sketchy about Haymarket, unless I hit it in early in the morning!

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