Homemade Challah Bread |
I don't know what it is that is so satisfying about taking simple products like flour, yeast, eggs, honey and salt and transforming them into a warm, soft and sweet bread. Is it because you can't help but feeling like something magical is happening when yeast and warm water combine to create a frothy mixture? Maybe it's because you can feel that something deliciously big is coming together and you feel important because you're responsible for making it happen. Or perhaps it's because kneading the warm ball of elasticy dough feels so rhythmic and therapeutically refreshing? Better yet, maybe it's the irresistible smell of the bread warming and rising as it bakes in oven that's the real source of the happiness? Whatever it is, making bread is an incredibly satisfying experience.
Today I made my first Challah bread and I can say for certain, it won't be my last. I love Challah bread for its glowingly golden braided exterior and for its subtle hints of sweet and rich eggy flavor. While this Challah bread is destined to be made into some French toast for tomorrow's breakfast, plans for the creation of another loaf are already in the works. Maybe there's a little bread pudding in my future?
While there are many recipes for Homemade Challah bread, I liked
this one from
http://allrecipes.com/ the best because it required little ingredients and seemed pretty straightforward. I thought the results were terrific and I'm looking forward to making this again. Nothing beats fresh bread out of the oven.
omg I'm so impressed! It looks beautiful. When you make it again, try adding dried cranberries and orange zest and/or chocolate chips. Or you can make a savory one with cumin seeds or olives.
You know what's AMAZING? Warm, freshly baked challah and good, dark maple syrup. Do it. I tried it once. It's awesome.
Wow! My mind is blown. LOVE the orange zest and cranberries idea..totally trying and I also really love the maple syrup drizzled on top....totally trying that! Thanks! I'm feeling a Challah bread phase coming on!
I knew you were Jewish at heart, I love it!
wha ta beautiful loaf of bread. I love how shiny and buttery it looks.
This looks great! Who knew that you and I would be bread-bakers after just one weekend at King Arthur Flour!
Wow congratulations! I have never made bread before, but I can imagine how therapeutic all the kneading must be. Your challah looks so good, I love the golden brown exterior!
Your challah bread attempt is gorgeous!
Your challah is beautiful! I've never made my own challah, but perhaps I should! It's good with raisins too, I've had it with green and red.
This bread is too beautiful to eat. But I'm sure it tastes amazingly good!!
Oh yum! That is one beautiful loaf of challah!! I don't think I'd be able to save it for French toast. I'd be pulling pieces off to eat right away!
I actually have plans to make challah and blintzes with my future mother-in-law for a post-New Year's brunch. I'm so excited about learning to make them.
Ummmm this is BEAUTIFUL!!! Honestly Katie-gorgeous loaf! I can definitely see why you want to make more....and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Looks GORGEOUS Katie!! I'll be over for breakfast in the morning....I'll make blueberry syrup from the blueberries I froze over the summer :)
Ugh - I wish I didn't have to work and could come over and eat french toast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U like what I did there? invite myself over? :)
Mouthwatering! I love making bread, I just need to get better at it!
looks gorgeous!! definitely love homemade bread :)
Looks great! I haven't made that is so long! I love making french toast with it, so delish! Great job!! Best Christmas wishes!!
I've never made Challah, but you did a fantastic job with that. I think I should try my hand at it soon!
Im taking a challah making class in January! Cannot wait after seeing this masterpiece!
Your bread looks beautiful! Nice job. And I couldn't agree more. Nothing is better than the scent of fresh bread baking in the oven.
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