"I'm thinking about starting a blog" the words seemed to escape even before I had thought them through or had time to stop them. In fact, starting a blog was something I wasn't even sure I understood how to do (we all have strengths and technology is NOT mine). All I knew is that I wanted to cook and share my recipes and this seemed like the easiest way to do that. "You SHOULD start a blog!" he said so emphatically it made me pause. Should I start a blog? "Oh sure, you know how good my technology skills are..." I retorted back, blowing off the idea. "No, seriously...just start it! Go home tonight and start it. You can always stop it if you don't like it. Just DO IT. What's stopping you?" He said with such certainty that it made me pause. What was stopping me? "Maybe" I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head, brushing off the idea again. He then looked me dead in the eye and with all sincerity, firmly said the simple phrase that made me stop: "You'll never know if you don't try. Just do it." I smiled back and said thoughtfully, "Okay, maybe you're right. Maybe I'll start a blog".
One year ago today, I was sitting Indian style on my couch and staring at that blank blog entry page with such a mix of excitement and I'll be honest, a little bit nervousness too. It's not easy putting yourself out there for everyone to see and it's even a little more intimidating when what you're putting out there is something that you are so personally passionate about. "What if people think my recipes are stupid? What if they don't like my writing style? What if no one but my Mom reads it?" These were the thoughts that came to mind. But as I sat there, staring at that blank blogger page, I thought that those weren't good enough reasons to not take a chance. So I started typing out my very first post. And I haven't stopped since.
Thank god I took that chance! As I look back over a year's worth of blog entries, recipe creations, events that I attended and the many new friends I've made that all share that same love and passion for food, I realize that this blog changed everything for me and it has been the most personally rewarding thing I've ever done. My blog has given me even more confidence in the kitchen as well as an outlet to continuously practice my writing, something that I didn't even realized I missed as much as I did. With all that being said, today is a very special day for me and I feel like I'm celebrating a milestone. I'm looking forward to the next year and can't wait to continue creating recipes and writing all about my adventures in my wicked small Boston kitchen.
Now a blogaversary post wouldn't be complete without a couple of thank yous to those that have helped me out along the way and there are so many: Of course, Mom, Dad, my sis Beth and her BF Matt (B too!). Additionally, I'd like to thank Ryan for the giant kick that got this thing going, Sara, Sarah, Jen, Fiona, Keith, Ant, Oona, Laura, Ange just to name a few (there are ohhh so many more!). And a big thanks to my blogger friends, I've never met a nicer, more passionate group of people. There are too many of you to name but if I've ever met you, have read your blog, Tweeted to you, etc, I'm direction this message to you and I feel so fortunate to know such a talented group of Bostonians. And q big thank you to my readers for taking the time to stop by my Small Boston Kitchen to read my recipes, rants and raves and general musings on all things food (and Boston). I appreciate every word you read, every comment you leave and email you send to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.
And now....on with year 2..
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Happy Blogaversary!!!! Isn't it funny how these things start and then they just seem to turn into a whole different (and very delicious) beast :-)
Have fun on Saturday! I will miss all of you!
Here's to another delicious year. Congrats!
Happy 1 year! Keep up the good work :)
Here here! Congrats Katie. Now all you need is a blogaversary cake with one candle.
I agree, you need some cake! Congrats, what a year. Glad the blog world introduced us.
WOOOHOOOO! Happy HAPPY Blogaversary! I agree- cake is in order-and perhaps a celebratory cocktail- Im just saying :-)
Happy Blogaversary!
Congrats! So glad to meet you this year. Looking forward to tacos, tapas, and many other tasty meetings!
wow! i can't believe it's been a year - you've come a long way baby. recipes, parties, events, tastings, invitations to restaurants, VIDEOS (2 of them!), and a trip to a blogger convention - that's serious shit. so proud of you!
Happy Blogaversary! I'm glad I met you and your blog this year! Count me in for champagne + cupcakes!
I am so proud of you! You have come so far in one year and I know that the years ahead will be full of more amazing posts to come. Congrats!!
YAY! Congrats on the anniversary!!
Congrats!! I've enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you through your blog and in person!
Happy blogaversary! I'm looking forward to reading more. Cheers!
Thank you so much for all the sweet comments!
congrats!! i'm already hungry for more :)
Congrats on your blogiversary! A cake is definitely in order!
YAAAAAAYYYY!!! Really it's a wonder that the Internet even flourished before you came along. Keep up the fabulous work, and IOU and blogaversary celebration. I'm so proud of you!
Congrats and Happy Blogoversary to you!!
Congratulations! I love your recipes (so many are on my "to try" list!), and I look forward to another year!
Happy Blogaversay Katie! Can't wait to see what comes from you in your second year!
Happy Blogaversary! Keep up the great work.
Happy Blogiversary and thank YOU for doing what you do. I couldn't agree more with this statement "it has been the most personally rewarding thing I've ever done".
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