
The Restaurant Formerly Known As The Roadhouse: American Craft

In it's hayday (oh, about a year and a half ago) the Roadhouse used to be great.  After spending a 3 year stint in the DC area, I had developed a strong love for a good pulled pork sandwich.  Since this southern delicacy is a little harder to find in Beantown, I was psyched that there was a BBQ place that utilizes a real smoker.  But then, just as fast as it got here, it was gone.  There were rumors floating around as to what made them pack up that giant smoker and put the kabosh on  BBQ in Brookline.  They tried to revive the place by making it Cajun/Creole but that didn't pan out and the food was sub par.

Fast forward a couple of months and enter American Craft, (http://www.eatgoodfooddrinkbetterbeer.com/americancraft/) the newest makeover of this super sweet spot.  Still owned by the same guys behind the Publick House, this spot focuses on local domestic brews and classic American comfort food.  It has a cute atmosphere, with deep red wallpaper and dark wooden accents that make you feel welcome and right at home.  Another bonus: fantastic outdoor seating, picnic table style and a not so mainstream location that tourists will flock to it, but close enough for anyone to get to.  With reasonable prices, hopefully American Craft is here to stay.

From a food standpoint, American Craft is good.  Not outstanding, although I want to preface my review of their dishes with the understanding that this has only been open for a brief couple of months and like any restaurant, you've gotta give them a little time to find their groove and perfect things.  I think that this place has the great potential to be outstanding and I wouldn't be surprised if we hear more from them as the warmer weather sticks around.

American Craft on Urbanspoon

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