I'm happy to announce the winners of my Chobani Greek Yogurt giveaway! I'd like to thank all those that participated. I really enjoyed reading all of the responses and it seems that Chobani is most popularly enjoyed for breakfast with some sort of fruit and/or granola combination. (That's my personal favorite way of eating it too!) But...without further adieu, let me please announce the winners!
These winners were selected via spreadsheet (assigning a number to each entrant) and then utilizing random integer to select four winners. Please send your addresses to me via email (KNBarszcz@gmail.com) or through DM Twitter (@The_SBK). Congratulations and enjoy your yogurt!
If you're bummed that you didn't win. Fear not! I've got some exciting contests coming up in the future so keep it tuned to the Small Boston Kitchen!
nice! I won :)