
Big Changes and Big News

There are a couple of things that I am just not very good at.  I’m not very good at baking and I’m terrible at math (I’ll admit, I still sometimes use my fingers to add).  And don’t even get me started on my technology skills, those are pretty bad too.  Rounding out this list, I’m also not very good at being patient.  When I want something, I want it now and I don’t want to wait even five minutes for it.  However, ranking highest on my list and the thing that I am the absolute worst at is not being happy.  I’ll swim across oceans, wrestle alligators (even though I’d probably lose) and I’d even jump out of a perfectly good airplane (I hate heights) if I think it will make my life a happier one or bring happiness to those I care about.  To me, happiness is tops and it’s mine to achieve and something to be fought for, each and every day. 

That being said, when I evaluate the past year and a half or so of my life, I've come realize that I have not felt as happy as I know I could be.  I feel so very fortunate for all of the good in my life but I've felt that I haven't felt fulfillment.  After much evaluation, I found that the root of this could all be traced back to the work that I was doing in life and the fact that to me, it had no meaning and thus, I had no passion for it.  While I've had the pleasure of working for such fine establishments and working alongside terrific people, I had never felt content (for those of you who don’t know, I had been doing HR in some capacity since graduating college).  To make a long story short, as time went on, this unsettling feeling continued to intensify and further diminish my sense of happiness and through all this, I recognized a miserable side of me that I hadn’t ever known.  I was grouchy and my frustrations were running high and these feelings only grew stronger over time.  Since happiness is my God given right to pursue, I had made the decision that I was not going to continue down this path a second longer and that some serious shake-ups needed to happen in my life. 

After much thought and countless hours of research, I have created my new plan and it started to become a reality today when I braved the thigh-high snowy elements to make it to work and quit my job.  Wow, that seems so odd and surreal to say.  Just because it's fresh, new and exciting I'm going to say it again.  Today I quit my job! (That was fun to repeat) I will be working out my two weeks and then on Monday, January 10th, I start the next chapter of my new life as a student in the 16-week Culinary Certificate program at the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts.  I decided on this because I feel that I am a good cook and while I am proud of the work I do in my kitchen, that's not enough for me.  Up to this point, I have been self-taught, acquiring my training through books and by asking family and friends teach me how to make their best dishes.  While this has been great and has got me to where I am today, I feel that the quickest way for me to go from good to great is to seek formalized training, gain some credentials and find a new career path that will bring some meaning and fulfillment to my life.

Make no mistake, change is scary and risks aren’t easy and to say that my palms weren't sweaty and my heart wasn't racing today would be lying, but as I mentioned, happiness is the most important thing to me and I feel that this decision is the right one for me at this point in time.  After all, I only get one shot at this life of mine and with all that is me I intend to live it in the happiest of ways that I possibly can.  

So what does all of this mean for my blog?  Not a whole heck of a lot, actually.  I’m still going to keep at it as I always have, posting my creative recipes from my Small Boston Kitchen, talking about restaurants and any food-related events I attend.  I also intend to sprinkle in helpful tips that I learn at school and anecdotes (I'm sure there will be many).  

Also, I cannot thank those enough that have stood beside me and supported me through all of this.  Without them, I’m not sure this sort of endeavor would be possible.  I promise to make it up to them in the best way I know how to; by making the best meals I can make and offering it with a smile (and a few sarcastic jokes, of course.) Thank you all, I cannot wait to share this next chapter of my life with you.  I'm excited, optimistic and most importantly, I'm happy.

PS, (Warning: Shameless plug!) Since I mentioned that I quit my job, I’m looking for some part time opportunities.  I’m very open to the type of work, so long as it involves my dear favorite passion; food.  I’m currently looking into writing/marketing/PR/social media opportunities to start but am all ears to any other suggestions.  I’d be happy to provide more information on my qualifications and background and any help and/or advice is so very much appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful holiday! 


  1. Congratulations! What a wonderful way to start the new year - I'm looking forward to reading (and hopefully hearing) your updates!

  2. Congratulations to you on making such a big change in your life, one that I hope will bring you much more happiness and personal satisfaction than you've had with your just-quit job. Bravo to you!

  3. Congrats!!! I'm excited to hear your tips and tricks from culinary school. :) Do you mean you start your program January 10th or have you already started it?

  4. Congrats on your freedom and being brave to make this big change! Best of luck with school and finding career fullfilment!

  5. Thank you all SO much for the sweet comments and well wishes!! I'm thrilled to pieces and maybe even a little more! The program starts on the 10th but I have orientation on the 4th...can't wait!

  6. Congratulations! I didn't quit my job, but was paid to go away by a large corporation who purchased my previous company. I too went to Cambridge and did the PCP program. I adored EVERY SINGLE minute of Cambridge. Take everything you can, assist as often as you can, take part in everything. It's your time. I had no idea what i wanted to do at the other end, but here I am owning my own cooking school and adoring every single minute of 'work' in my new life. I can't wait to see how yours turns out.

  7. Woooooohoooooooo!!!!! Katie I am soooo excited and impressed by you! I know that the next 16 weeks (give or take) are going to be life changing for you and i can't wait to hear every detail! I can only imagine the strength it took for you to make such a large step today, but know that you are doing the right thing to better your life. You are awesome SBK. Oh and um now I really believe it- "don't f with The SBK- she means business"

  8. Katie - I'm BEYOND thrilled for you! Congratulations. It's an amazing thing to take this first step. I can't wait to follow your journey!

  9. Wow. That is amazing. I've often thought about doing that and have vowed that if I won the lottery I would immediately enroll in culinary school. Cambridge Culinary seems like an amazing school... I've been to some info sessions there and I know people who went there. You will love it. This is a great decision and a wonderful new career path to take on. I wish you the best of luck!

  10. YAY! Congrats!! I'm so happy for you, and I know you will succeed in this next chapter of your life!

  11. CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about your experiences in culinary school!!

  12. That's such exciting news!! Congrats! I can't wait to read about school and see all of your new creations! You must be so excited!

  13. This is such a huge and exciting move, I am so happy for you! Can't wait to hear about all your adventures. Yes, change is hard, but happiness is so worth it!

  14. SO excited for you - you are courageous and right to do this . . . you will never regret following a passion - even if it leads you somewhere unexpected. Congratulations and what a fabulous way to start a new year!

  15. what an inspiring post. thanks for sharing with us such deep insight into your view on happiness and how it reflects in your life as of late. I am literally the definition of happy FOR YOU as you embark this new journey. culinary school is going to be incredible!

    PS Did you mean to write that you begin on January 10th?!

  16. Wow! Thank you for leaving me such inspiring comments! I'm touched by all the support.

    And Dairy, thanks for bringing the typo to my attention! I think my fingers were working faster than my mind tonight! The program starts on January 10th. I fixed the typo...thanks again!

  17. Congrats! It takes a lot of guts to do what you are doing. Looking forward to reading about your new adventures - best of luck!

  18. congrats!! sounds like the right decision, and i can't wait to hear about how things go :)

  19. Congrats Katie!! Can't wait to all about your culinary school adventures :)

  20. Good for you! I can't wait to hear what you're doing in the culinary program!

  21. Congratulations! I'm sure this will be an amazing experience. Best of luck!

  22. I had a rare half a day yesterday disconnected from twitter, blogs, etc. so I just saw the post now. Woo woooo! It must feel SO amazing to have given your notice and be able to tell anyone and everyone the news. So so happy and excited for you and excited you will now regularly be in my 'hood. See you after the new year!!

  23. Congrats!! I can only imagine the adrenaline rush you must be feeling. This is so exciting and I can't wait to hear about culinary school!

  24. Congrats girl! That sounds amazing! Can't wait to hear all about it! You'll be fantastic!

  25. Thank you all so very much! These comments, emails and tweets are so very generous and so much appreciated! Did I say how excited I was?!?! Thank you, 1000 times over!

  26. OMG! I just found your blog but I am already so happy for you! Can't wait to read about your adventures at CSCA!

  27. I'm so glad you're following what makes you happy! I look forward to hearing about your new adventures.

  28. Congratulations Katie! That is such wonderful news - I think it is great to pursue your passion. Wishing you all the best in your new endeavor.

  29. Katie - that's so brave and exciting. Can't wait to follow your journey in culinary school and beyond!! Congrats!!!!!! :)

  30. Congrats again Katie! Good for you for pursuing your own happiness. And I would have to say that after seeing that Challah you made, you are not a bad baker at all.
