
Boston Food Blogger Launch Party

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog posts on culinary school to bring you a brief recap of the Boston Flood Bloggers Launch Party that was held last night at The Gallow's in the South End.

It was absolutely amazing to see so many foodie folks that braved the bitterly cold temperatures to talk about food.  While trays of cheeseburgers (a review on them to follow, as soon as I can get back to give them a real try) and Poutine (gravy drenched French fries with cheese curds sprinkled on top) floated past, over 150 (!!!) bloggers chatted, laughed and of course, ate.  It was half reunion and half, "Oh my god it's so nice to finally meet you!"

Megan, Renee, Lara, Fiona and Pam
Tonight was a solid reminder of how lucky we are to be living in such a terrific city that has such a warm and welcoming foodie scene.  Very special thanks for Rachael of Fork It Over, Boston! for organizing and Christine, of Urbanspoon, for helping with the sponsorship of such a fabulous event.

The Gallows on Urbanspoon


  1. Last night was a lot of fun! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by and say hello!

  2. Looks like everyone had a great time! So bummed I couldn't make it! Thx for sharing!!

  3. Last night was so fun. I'm glad we took a cab home!

  4. it was such a good time! Sorry we didn't get to catch up.

  5. Great to see you! Good luck in pastry class today. Looking forward to hearing all about it at brunch. :)

  6. It really was a lot of fun! So glad we got to catch up a little. Have fun today! You'll be making gougeres like crazy after today's class. :)

  7. Aww too bad I missed it! Looks like everyone had a fab time!

  8. nice to see you again! Sorry we didn't get to chat too much, but glad things are going well with classes :)

  9. It was nice to meet you! The party was a lot of fun. Hope to meet again!

  10. It was great to see you!! that poutine was great, wasn't it?

  11. Hey Katie - Wasn't last night a total blast? So glad you and your best 100+ friends (new & old) could come warm Boston up on a chilly Monday evening! Totally amazing homecoming-reunion-mothership energy going around the room. Can't wait to see your burger report (which I'm convinced is the best two words in the English language). Cheers, Christine

  12. It was fun, wasn't it? Great to see you again!

  13. Great to finally meet you in person! Pho date at Super 88 SOON!

  14. Simply- <3 food bloggers :-) And Im with Jen- thank god for cabs home!

  15. I was so bummed to be out of town for this. Looks like a great evening!

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