
Thanksgiving Recipe Inspiration

With my favorite holiday quickly approaching, I'd be remiss if I didn't provide a couple of ideas to those that are responsible for the holiday cooking. Even if your plan is to avoid the kitchen and instead park in front of the tv for some football action, there's no reason why you can't stash away these late fall inspired recipes for another day, right? Here's a couple of recipes that are some of my favorites for this time of year, and especially good for any Thanksgiving Day feast.

Starting things out, I find a great way to begin a big meal is with a soup. I make a similar version for my clients pretty regularly and this soup is a nice little nod to this season's flavors, not to mention, it's easy to make.

Bacon and Sweet Potato Soup with Sage 
Celery Root is just starting to come into season. Once that ugly, knobby exterior is peeled, it can be cooked fairly similarly to potatoes and mashed up just the same. With just with a slightly sweet celery taste to it, it's a nice change of pace from the standard mashed potato.

Mashed Celery Root
Staying with sides, Sweet Cinnamon Glazed Carrots always make an appearance at my Thanksgiving dinner table. When the carrots are roasted in honey, cinnamon and a bit of brown sugar, their sugars all concentrate and you're left with an addictingly sweet side dish.

Moving on to a healthy little side dish, this Pomegranate Quinoa Salad gets its texture from all of its different components. The quinoa has a naturally satisfying little "pop" to it and the Pomegranate seeds only echo that, as well as add a sweet and tangy note to the dish.

Pomegranate Cranberry Quinoa Salad
I think that twice-baked potatoes put a great spin on the average, played out Thanksgiving day mashed potatoes. Not to mention, twice baked potatoes can be made way in advance and then just warmed up right before dinner.

Twice-Baked Potatoes 
I'm really looking forward to the holiday. We're heading to my parent's house in Western Mass for a couple of days and we're looking forward to just relaxing. Oh, and we're deep frying a turkey (again...yes!). Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I think I need to add to my bucket list to deep fry a turkey. I don't know why but I just find it fascinating :)

  2. You never fail to amaze; these all look delicious! Happy Thanksgiving!
