If you happen to be walking quickly along Harvard Street, away from Coolidge Corner and down to Allston, you just might miss Comella's. Marked only by a black awning on the right side of the street, it's a small little shop/restaurant with a maximum capacity of about 25. There isn't much to the decor, a couple of giant black and white pictures of Italians at the turn of the century hang crookedly on the walls. When you sit down in one of the old, and not terribly comfortable chairs, you are presented with a paper menu that folds out like an accordion, listing mass amounts of Italian food that is available for the choosing.
Although this place is a little tough to spot and has no frills, do not make the mistake of passing it up. If nothing else, try their sauce. It's 100% the way a good basic Italian tomato sauce should be; deep red in color intensely concentrated with pure and sweet tomato flavor. One of my favorites to get here is the grilled chicken parm sub. It looks massive when it comes to you but once you take one bite, you'll know that there is no way you are leaving anything behind on your plate. With the perfect ratio of thin grilled chicken cutlets to cheese to sauce, all encased in some of the softest, freshest bread around, I sometimes find myself craving it at odd times. Like say, for breakfast.
Not only does Comella's have great food, another point to make is that is so reasonably priced! The prices here remind me of small-town prices. My giant chicken parm sub clocked in at just under $6. That's almost unheard of in Boston! In addition to eating in, you can always get your food to go (including frozen containers of their sauce!) They also have family style options in case you're looking to feed a crowd (or are just super hungry).

I used to live right by there before I moved! I only went once but it was good! I had a delicious meal and wine al fresco, what's better than that!
Thanks SBK! You are right on again!! I have been there once and the food was delicious. Definitely a place I intend to return to. The ziti and sauce was fabulous!
That grinder was amazing!!! I am dreaming of getting another one. So good. The sauce made it. :)
LOVE this place. It's the best "it's winter and I don't feel like cooking" take out comfort food. My obsession is the spinach ravioli with sundried tomato sauce (it's like a pesto).
Sara, you're the one that introduced me to Comella's and I think of you every time I go! I'll have to try the spinach ravioli. Sounds ahhhhmazing!
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