
Looking to "Smorganize" Your Food? Here's how!

Do you Smorgie?

If this question leaves you scratching your head and not sure how to answer, allow me to get you into the "know".  The simple answer is that Smorgie is a fun and interactive way to help keep you organized when it comes to tackling the restaurant world.  I personally use it to keep track of places that I want to try.  That way, when I want to go out to eat and try something new, I can just pull up my list, select a place and then be on my way.  To learn more about Smorgie, watch this cute little video:

Last night was the September Social to celebrate the launch of Smogie.  If you'll remember, I've been a fan of Smorgie from the start and helped to test it and provide feedback from a blogging standpoint.  Because of this, last night was a little extra special for me because the site's come a long way in such a short amount of time and to see it grow has made me proud to be a part of it all.  Not only is Smorgie a great site, they throw great parties and last night I found myself at the swanky W lounge, sipping on the signature green Smorgie beverage which was a sweet mixture of Chartreuse, Simple Syrup, Lemon, Pineapple and Basil.

We also snacked on some fun little apps.  My favorite were the melty, ooey gooey herb and cheese fritters.  Mmm.
Daisy, Me and Megan
Once the party was over, I had the opportunity to sit down for dinner with Shakti, Smogie's own social butterfly (AKA PR/Marketing genius).  Over a delightfully prepared and innovative meal, we chatted about Smorgie.  In between bites, I couldn't help but notice the infectious passion that Shakti has for Smorgie.  My favorite part of the conversation was when we went back and forth, coming up with creative titles that one could use to categorize his/her restaurant lists (oh when food geeks get together, the fun we have!).  "Most Over-rated Places", "Places I'd like To Take People When They Come To Town", "Best Brunch" and "Places That Just Make Me Happy" were shouted back and forth over much laughing and pure excitement of food.  

So it seems that only one question remains, do you Smorgie?  If not, you should.  All the cool foodies are doing it.


  1. Great seeing you -am excited to try out the site now!

  2. cute pic of us! such a fun time so glad you turned me onto smorgie!!

  3. Aw cute picture. So happy we got to meet up again! I need to work on my smorganizing. I love your idea of using it to keep track of restaurants you want to go to.

  4. The lobster at Market was so good it brought a tear to my eye. Thanks, Katie. With powerful support like yours I know that everyone will be smorganizing soon!

  5. P.S. smorgie users please stick to Firefox, Chrome or IE8 for now, we're working on getting smorgie to play nice with other/older browsers. Thanks!
